KIRINS - all types of insurance online in one place
Green Card auto
-10%We support Ukrainians who were forced to leave Ukraine
-20%Today the car is the second home. Get the best protection
Tour insurance
Feel safe at home in any country
Our partners
Get the best price from your favorite insurance company

How to apply for an insurance policy online?
By online form
By online chat
*— Using the payment system or using KIRINS details
Benefits of buying online
Buy insurance policies at KIRINS
KIRINS is a Ukrainian online insurance service.
We were created to solve the most popular issues in the field of insurance and save time for Ukrainians and not only! Together with us, you can conveniently compare offers from different insurance companies, save time on policy issuance, and enjoy reliable protection from our partners in a matter of minutes.
We are making online insurance more convenient every day.
Key insurance products on the platform
We are constantly working on developing new products and launching them in the online environment. To date, we can highlight the main ones:
OSAGO. This is the most common type of online car insurance because the product is mandatory in Ukraine. On our website, you can find options from top insurance companies.
Green card. Car insurance for traveling abroad. This type of insurance is also mandatory for traveling abroad in Ukraine. This policy covers more than 40 countries in Europe and the CIS.
Travel insurance. This type of insurance is often called medical insurance for traveling abroad. The insurance policy covers medical expenses abroad, providing you with the most comfortable vacation possible without thinking about possible expenses.
CASCO. A type of car insurance that is taken out to fully protect your car. This particular product is designed to cover the following cases that happen to your car: theft, fire, road accidents, etc.
Insurance for foreigners in Ukraine. Every foreigner planning to enter Ukraine must buy a health insurance policy. This insurance policy must include coverage for COVID-19 and other risks. We provide key types of insurance for foreigners: for entry into Ukraine, for applying for a visa at the embassy, and for the migration service (OVIR).
Advantages of buying insurance online
Buying insurance online has many advantages. First, you can get quotes at any time of the day or night, regardless of the weekend. Secondly, you do not need to look for the nearest branches of the insurance company, read reviews about this company all over the Internet and stand in line while the manager serves the previous client. Thirdly, you can buy insurance from anywhere in the world and receive a ready-made policy to your email.
Electronic car insurance
For example, domestic car insurance is issued in 5 minutes using our calculator and order form. The finished policy is instantly sent to the specified email immediately after payment. In addition, you always have the opportunity to immediately check the availability of the insurance policy in the unified MTIBU system.
We will always remind you about the end of the insurance and your protection will be continuous with KIRINS.
Personal account and reference books
For the convenience of our customers, we have developed a personal account where you can store issued insurance policies, sort them by valid policies, and always see which car or person is covered by insurance and which needs to be renewed.
We have a huge advantage in the convenience of issuing insurance policies thanks to the guides in our personal account. Immediately after registering in our system, you have the opportunity to fill in the data on your car, person and their documents. Having prepared all this data in advance, you can easily apply for insurance by car number in minutes.
You can add all the cars for which you plan to take out insurance policies, as well as all family members, to the directory. This allows you to save time on filling in the data at each application.
KIRINS is the future of insurance! Join us and save your time and money right now!