Travel insurance for traveling abroad

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Travel insurance

You can buy compulsory medical insurance for travelling in less than 5 minutes. Fill in the form on the website and receive the policy to your email
Any country in the world, a large selection of age categories, a nice price

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How to apply for an insurance policy online?

By online form

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By online chat

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*— Using the payment system or using KIRINS details

Benefits of buying online

Convenient design
Convenient designWithout papers and visits to the office
Time saving
Time savingRegistration takes no more than 5 minutes
Without papers
Without papersThe policy does not need a printed version
Impossible to lose
Impossible to loseThe policy cannot be lost, it is always with you

Відгуки наших клієнтів


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Завжди оформлював на кірінс, бо зручно. А в цей раз перевірив і швидкість виплати. Можу смісливо рекомендувати



Купував страховку на Новорічні свята для своєї сімʼї. Дуже зручно було заповнювати дані, з довідника все підтягнулось



Регулярно їжджу за кордон і завжди купую страховку. 1 раз забула і захворіла. Більше не забуду)))



Оформила туристичну страховку разом з зеленою картою. Тут порахувала, що найвигідніше



Does travel insurance cover expenses related to covid?

So, look for the appropriate note in each offer that the insurance company includes the risks associated with COVID-19 in the price

Do I need to print electronic travel insurance?

An electronic policy can be provided in electronic form or in print (for convenience). But it is not necessary to print the policy.

I am traveling on a visa-free regime. Do I need insurance?

Yes! Firstly, it is a requirement under the Law of Ukraine, and secondly, it is the protection of your finances outside of Ukraine

How to save money on travel insurance?

Thanks to our KIRINS service, you can choose the best option among all the offers on the Ukrainian market according to specific parameters. You can save additional money by choosing a deductible of more than "0"

Travel insurance in the city

You can buy travel insurance for traveling abroad online in 5 minutes. You can take out medical insurance for traveling abroad to any country in the world, which is presented in our calculator.

Directions for obtaining insurance abroad

When planning your trip, you need to understand in advance which countries you plan to visit. This determines the cost of travel insurance and the coverage area of the insurance policy. You can choose the following destinations:

  1. The whole world - this category includes all countries of the world except Russia and Belarus 

  2. Europe - all countries that are geographically located in Europe

  3. Schengen countries - all countries that are part of the Schengen agreement

  4. CIS countries

  5. Specific country of visit - in this case the insurance coverage is valid for the selected country

Sum insured in travel insurance

The sum insured is the amount for which you conclude an insurance contract with the selected insurer. Within this amount, medical care abroad will be provided by an assisting company.

Possible insurance amounts are available in our calculator:

  • 30 000 euros

  • 50 000 euros

  • 60 000 euros

It is important to note that there are countries that require a minimum sum insured in travel insurance. For example, European countries require a minimum of 30,000 euros, and countries such as the United States require at least 50,000 euros (dollars).

Deductible for insurance abroad

The deductible in travel insurance is the amount that must be paid independently for each insured event outside Ukraine. By choosing insurance with a deductible, you will save some money at the beginning, but you can potentially spend it during the term of the insurance policy.

Period of insurance abroad

Travel insurance can be a one-time or multiple trip insurance. Let's describe the difference in detail:

  • One-time contract - issued in case of one trip on specific dates. Upon returning to Ukraine, the insurance ceases to be valid.

  • Reusable contract - issued for a certain period during the year. It provides for the possibility of repeated travel outside Ukraine. It is usually taken out by people who travel several times during the year.

Medical insurance for traveling abroad is issued from 1 day to 1 year, which makes it possible to purchase insurance for the required dates.

Possible risks in a travel insurance policy

Travel insurance for traveling abroad may have certain additional options or expand the risks of the contract. There are 3 broad categories that are divided into subcategories:

  • Sport

    • Active recreation - involves risk and significant physical activity without participation in competitions

    • Sports - sports activities with heavy loads that exceed normal activity

    • Extreme tourism - participation in high-risk activities that require special skills and training

    • Professional sports - participation in sports training and sports competitions at a professional level

  • Work

    • Normal

    • Dangerous

  • Education

How much does insurance for traveling abroad cost?

The cost of the insurance policy will depend on the parameters you choose, namely:

  1. Direction of travel

  2. Age of the tourist

  3. Number of days of stay abroad

  4. Selected additional risks

How to take out travel insurance at KIRINS?

In order to take out insurance on our website online, you need to take a few simple steps, and then automatically receive a ready-made policy to the specified email. Steps to take out travel insurance:

  1. Enter the required parameters in the calculator

  2. Select the desired offer from the list

  3. Fill in the data on the tourist(s) and the policyholder

  4. Pay for insurance online with any world card

  5. Get a ready-made file in PDF format