
About company

IC "Kniazha Vienna Insurance Group" is a member of the international group of insurance companies "Vienna Insurance Group" and is one of the leading companies in the Ukrainian market. The company has been operating in Ukraine since 1997, since 2005 it has been part of the Vienna Insurance Group.

The prince has about 25 directorates, more than 200 regional centers (offices) throughout Ukraine and about 700 employees. The insurance company has 31 licenses for compulsory and voluntary types of insurance.

Vienna Insurance Group, which has been successfully operating in the European insurance market since 1824, guarantees the quality and financial stability of IC Kniazha VIG. Today, Vienna Insurance Group is actively represented in 25 countries and is the leading insurance group in Austria, Central and Eastern Europe, which means it has an impeccable reputation in the global insurance market.

In addition, the company has more than 1 million satisfied customers and consistently holds leading positions in the car insurance rating, namely in the TOP-3.

For years, IC Kniazha has been gaining the trust of its customers and now we can definitely say that it justifies this trust. Indeed, according to the collection rates, it can be understood that people are increasingly turning to this insurance company from year to year. Kniazha actively trains its hotline operators, who work 24/7 to help its customers.

Despite its high performance, the insurance company tries to keep average prices in the voluntary personal insurance market. Therefore, it helps to attract even more customers to its portfolio.

MTIBU rating

Overall score:Excellent
Quality of settlement:Excellent
Level of complaints:Low

Speed of settlement:

58 days

Customer rating


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Страхую свою автівку в цій компанії вже більше 5 років. Купую Автоцивілку та КАСКО. По Автоцивілці слава богу не довелось звертатись, але по КАСКО було кілька випадків, всі не серйозні (2 рази міняли лобове скло та 1 раз зачепили авто коли машина була припаркована). Всі разі виплату отримував на офіційне СТО впродовж кількох днів. Тому на даний момент залишились лише приємні емоції від спілкування. Сподіваюсь більше не звертатись, але змінювати компанію не збираюсь