- Company namePZU Ukraine
- Main office04112, Kyiv, Degtiarivska street, 62
- Phone number380442386238
- Websitehttps://pzu.com.ua/
- Email [email protected]
- Register date 05.01.1999
- Date of update14.05.2023
About company
IC PZU Ukraine began its activity in 1803 in Poland under the name Powszechny Zakład Ubezpieczeń Spółka Akcyjna (PZU SA) (General Insurance Institution Joint Stock Company).
The company has many achievements and strives for market leadership. In 2018-2019, PZU entered the TOP-20 rating of sold electronic policies Avtocitizen - 212 thousand contracts, the amount of premiums amounted to UAH 184 million.
PZU Ukraine is the leader in the travel insurance market and has the majority of Ukrainians traveling abroad. The company has more than 100 offices, about 700 employees and more than 1000 partners in Ukraine.
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