Statistics on the activities of insurance companies in Ukraine

When choosing an insurance company to entrust your car to, the question arises: who is the leader of the Ukrainian insurance market in 2025? How do companies respond to complaints and what is the rating of insurers in recent years? The answers to all the questions can be found in the statistics we have collected for you based on open data from the MTIBU. 

In this infographic, you can analyze the performance of insurance companies in domestic and international insurance in 2016-2025.

The rating and key performance indicators of insurers in the domestic insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners in Ukraine are presented in the diagrams below.

The overall assessment of insurance companies' performance is presented in the table, where 1 - a low risk, 2 - a medium risk, 3 - a high risk, and 4 - an unacceptably high risk. It is worth noting that this indicator takes into account the company's activities only in the area of domestic motor vehicle insurance.