Real estate tax - residential and non-residential premises
The tax authorities have started sending out new payments. We are talking about the tax on residen...
The tax authorities have started sending out new payments. We are talking about the tax on residen...
KIRINS offers online property insurance from Colonnade Insurance Company. We have developed detailed instructions for you on how to find out the cost of a policy for an apartment or house, as well as how to order it in a matter of minutes.
If you have thought about this question, then I can congratulate you, because there is nothing better than taking care of the work spent and the money earned.
It is possible to insure an apartment against various cases such as fire, flooding, complete destruction, theft, etc.
Each of us has some kind of housing and many worry about him while we are at work. And this is quite natural. Further in the article, it will be about property insurance, specifically about insurance of an apartment in Kharkov.
Many people ask themselves this ques...
Both one and the other type of insurance are very popular. Demanded by maintaining the value of the property during the absence of the owner, as compensation is paid during fire, natural disasters, floods, thefts. You can insure both the apartment (house) itself, as well as furniture, household appliances and the most dear to your hear...