At the moment, corruption has not yet been overcome in Ukraine, and most people, when buying driver’s license, did not even read the rules of the road. Perhaps due to ignorance of the rules, perhaps due to inattention, traffic accidents occur daily. Everyone should know what to do in such a case so that everything ends without problems and wasting money.
First, you need to understand that even if you are at fault, you have the right to use insurance directly through the company, call the police or fill out a European protocol. You need to figure out which option and in which case is more profitable for you.
After an accident, do not try to drive off, even if a traffic jam has formed because of you or there is no way to drive at all. If the parties cannot agree on Guilty, then try to find witnesses or video from the car registrars. This will help the police, and maybe even in court.
Accident without insurance, what to do?
If during an accident one of the participants does not have insurance, then it is necessary to call the police without filling out the European protocol. To fill in the European protocol, each participant must have insurance. If the Guilty has insurance, then this is already better, since he will not have to pay his money and the insurance will cover the damage within the sum insured. Again, insurance will cover losses with a certificate from the police and a registered case on the insurance company's hotline.
After you leave, the victim must go to the insurance company and write a statement.
If no one has insurance, then without fail the Guilty pays for all damage to someone else's car on their own. In any case, you should call the police to fix the accident. If the Culprit does not pay for the repair on his own, the court will force him (this requires evidence of an accident). Naturally, everything is much simpler if each participant has an insurance policy for an auto citizen (OSAGO).
What should an accident Guilty do?
If, God forbid, the accident happened through your fault, then initially think about what happened and plan your further actions. It all depends on several factors: the victim is very angry and does not want to talk; constant threats; there is a possibility that you are not guilty, etc.
There are several options:
To call the police. If the police are called to the scene of an accident, the driver's license will be taken away and he will be asked to pay a fine. However, this is the safest option, since in this case everything will be documented, and no one will be able to deceive you in the future. Do not forget to record the insured event with the insurance company.
Fill out the Europrotocol. If all road users have found the guilty and agree with this, and also have insurance policies, then you can fill out the European protocol. However, with damage to life and health, this option immediately disappears. Also, do not forget to record the insured event with the insurance company.
Solve everything on the spot. If the accident is not significant and you do not want to waste time or nerves, then there is an option to pay the victim right on the spot and go about your business. However, do not forget to take a document confirming that you gave the money. And yet think, it was not in vain that you bought insurance.
What should a car accident victim do?
Initially, do not start to resent and swear with the guilty. Remember, if you want to keep your car intact, don't drive it out of the garage.
And anything happens on the road, and the first thing to do is calm down.
If the damage to your car is less than UAH 80,000, then you can safely fill out the European protocol (subject to other conditions) and contact the insurance company for payment.
If the police were called, then in Guilty's insurance company, you need to write an application for payment.
If you are insured under CASCO and the damage is more than 5% of the value of your car, be sure to call the police!
Is it worth it to fill out the Europrotocol?
In fact, with the advent of the European Protocol, life has become much easier for many. It retains the license of the guilty in a minor accident.
Europrotocol is issued only if:
All participants have insurance
Damage less than UAH 80,000
All parties agreed and found the guilty
Sometimes during an accident it is very difficult to assess the damage to cars and in this case it is worth calling the police in order to still get within the limits of UAH 160,000 for an autocitizen.
You can think ahead and increase the amount of coverage with additional citizen liability.
But if the damage is much less than UAH 80,000, feel free to fill out the European protocol. It will save a lot of time for both the guilty and the victim.
And remember, in any situation on the road, first of all, you need to be calm. And then everything will pass quickly and without wasting nerves.