Documents from the Insured physical persons:
OSAGO policy
Reporting an accident (Europrotocol)
Accident Explanation
Certificate from the police about the registration of an accident (in the case of registration by police)
Vehicle Inspection Certificate
Vehicle registration certificate
Driving license (temporary permit)
Document for the right to operate the vehicle
Passport of the Insured
Identification code of the Policyholder
Documents from the Insured legal persons:
OSAGO policy
Reporting an accident (Europrotocol)
Accident Explanation
Police certificate on registration of an accident (if issued by police officers)
Vehicle Inspection Certificate
Vehicle registration certificate
Driving license (temporary permit)
The order of acceptance to work
Documents from the injured physical persons (owner of the vehicle):
Application for the occurrence of an insured event and payment of insurance compensation
Reporting an accident (Europrotocol)
Accident Explanation
Police certificate on registration of an accident (if issued by police officers)
Vehicle Inspection Certificate
Driver's license (driver, drove the vehicle at the time of the accident)
Document for the right to operate the vehicle
Victim's passport
Victim identification code
Act of an independent examination or Work order (invoice) of the service station (as agreed with the insurer)
Certificates from relevant health institutions confirming damage to health or death
Documents from the injured legal persons (owner of the vehicle):
Application for the occurrence of an insured event and payment of insurance compensation
Reporting an accident (Europrotocol)
Accident Explanation
Police certificate on registration of an accident (if issued by police officers)
Vehicle Inspection Certificate
Driver's license (driver, drove the vehicle at the time of the accident)
The order of acceptance to work
An act of an independent examination or a work order (invoice) of a service station (as agreed with the CO)
Court statement
Documents that can be provided by both the Policyholder (driver) and the Injured Person:
Certificate of accident (extended form)
Court statement
Documents collected by the Insurer:
1. Certificate of an accident (extended form) - by submitting a request within 2 days after receipt
2. Act of an independent examination - by ordering an examination