Poland is a country of opportunities for Ukrainians. During the quarantine period, Poland issued a large number of work visas for our citizens.
But the main question still remains: “Which insurance companies are accredited in the visa center (embassy) of Poland?”. The number of insurance companies is changing all the time, someone is added, someone stops cooperating with the embassy.
Attention! You can see our insurance prices for applying for a visa to Poland
The current list of insurance companies for a visa to Poland
TД BCK "Гapдиaн"
ЧAO CK "ПЗУ Укpaинa"
ЧAO CK "Унивepcaльнaя"
- СК "Княжа"
If you have found an error or you have information that the list of approved insurance companies has changed, please let us know.
The price of all insurance companies is different, significantly. The cost of a policy from insurance companies for a VISA to Poland depends on the volume of policies sold and the unprofitability. In most cases, if the losses on the insurance policies sold are within an acceptable range, then the price will be within the competitive range.
Necessary insurance conditions for the visa application center to Poland
The conditions that the visa center requires may vary depending on the city. For example, conditions may be the same in Kharkiv, but in Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro and other cities they are completely different.
The list of requirements that are in each visa center and embassy:
The policy must be printed. All visa centers accept electronic insurance in printed form
Receipt of payment of the full cost of insurance
Mandatory coverage of the territory of Poland
Minimum sum insured - 30,000 euros
Franchise in the amount of 0 to 100 euros (in some visa centers 150 euros are allowed). But remember, the higher the franchise, the more expensive the treatment will be for you. We recommend buying insurance with 0 (“zero”) franchise - in this case, the insurance company will pay for the treatment without your initial costs.