OSAGO in Mykolayiv (Mykolayiv region)

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An example of an OSAGO policy

Electronic OSAGO insurance

E-policy will completely replace the physical copy from a legal point of view
Insurance OSAGO - mandatory type of car insurance, which provides compensation to the third person who suffered in an accident.
The insurance company is covering the damage bills, caused by the policyholder.

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How to apply for an insurance policy online?

By online form

1Fill in
3Get PDF
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By online chat

1Send photos
3Get PDF

*— Using the payment system or using KIRINS details

Benefits of buying online

Convenient design
Convenient designWithout papers and visits to the office
Time saving
Time savingRegistration takes no more than 5 minutes
Without papers
Without papersThe policy does not need a printed version
Impossible to lose
Impossible to loseThe policy cannot be lost, it is always with you

Відгуки наших клієнтів


Чоловік подарував машину 🥰 я оформила страховку і тепер з вами надовго)) Швидко і вигідно



Дякую кірінс, у вас зручний сервіс. Купила автоцивілку онлайн



Чому так дорого?! Тиждень тому вдвічі дешевше було!!!



Додзвонився тільки з другого разу, але дівчинка допомогла оформити по пенсійному на сайті. Радий, що зміг сам заповнити форму, але було не легко, тому 4



Тільки зараз побачила, що зʼявився особистий кабінет. Це зручно



Купив страховку на авто по пенсійному. Знижку зробили навіть більшу, ніж порахувала страхова



Не розбираюсь в страхуванні, тому менеджери допомогли. Дякую!



Раніше купував страховку авто на 15 днів, а зараз таку опцію прибрали. Поверніть!!


You can apply for an OSAGO policy on our website yourself! To do this, calculate the current cost in the online calculator and fill out the form with information about the insured and the vehicle. We offer prices with discounts from the official price of insurance.

Autocitizen (OSAGO) is a type of compulsory vehicle insurance that provides material protection for the owner of the insurance policy on the territory of Ukraine.

Avtocitizen covers losses associated with damage to property, life or health of third parties. It is very important to study the terms of insurance and take a responsible approach to choosing an insurer, and not just buy a policy “for the police”. 

OSAGO cost in Mykolayiv

The cost of an OSAGO policy in Mykolayiv depends on several parameters, namely:

  • Type of vehicle (car or truck, trailer, bus or motorcycle)

  • Engine size (for cars and motorcycles), number of seats (for a bus), carrying capacity (for a truck), etc.

  • Duration of insurance. Any period of validity of insurance from 15 days to 1 year is available in the calculator. Buses are insured for 6 months, as they need to pass OTK (mandatory maintenance)

  • Registration of the owner of the vehicle. The cost depends on the city / village of the owner's registration according to the registration certificate

By selecting the necessary parameters in the calculator on the site, you can see the current price and issue an insurance policy.

How to buy car insurance in Mykolayiv?

On the website of the insurance agent KIRINS, you can choose any of the presented options for obtaining an Autocitizenship:

Option 1. Send photos of documents in a convenient way (messengers are listed in the contacts section). After that, you will need to pay for the policy and receive an electronic file in PDF format (the so-called e-osago policy) by e-mail or messenger.

Option 2. Calculate the current price on your own in the calculator and fill out the form with data on the insured and the vehicle. After payment, the finished policy will come to your mail within a few minutes.

Why is OSAGO more profitable at KIRINS?

In order for Autocitizen for a car to help in the event of an accident, you need to approach the choice of an insurer responsibly at the stage of issuing a policy. It is important to choose an insurance company with affordable prices, convenient service and reliable protection. To do this, KIRINS offers you policies of official insurers at discount prices. We are competitive in the market because:

  1. We offer the best price - we provide discounts on official policies of insurance companies

  2. We work quickly - if you enter the data yourself when calculating in the calculator, registration will take only a few minutes

  3. At the program level, we transfer all data to a single MTIBU database, which indicates instant official registration of insurance. This base is also seen by the police and the DIA application

  4. We guarantee the price / quality. We are not ashamed of our partner!

  5. Experience in insurance - 10 years