Vignette Hungary - road tolls

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An example of a Green Card policy from KIRINS

What is a vignette?

A vignette is a travel document (ticket) that allows a certain vehicle to travel on the roads of European countries.
An electronic vignette has now appeared, which allows you to pay for driving on highways at a convenient time and in a convenient place.

The vignette must be purchased in European countries

The vignette is valid in Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria

How does it work?

Plan your routeChoose the countries of travel
Decide on the dates of the tripFor each country separately
Buy an electronic travel documentYou have a vignette on your smartphone in a few minutes

Advantages of online shopping

MobilityRegistration from anywhere in the world
SpeedRegistration in a matter of minutes
SpontaneityYou can buy "here and now" ("day by day")
ConvenienceBuy for several countries at once

Відгуки наших клієнтів


Випадково з гугл натрапила на цей сайт. Купила віньєтку на дві країни одразу, це здивувало. Запропонували ще купити Зелену карту і тут виявилось дешевше, ніж там де я купувала раніше



В 2022 виїхала в Угорщину і звикаю платити за дороги. Дуже рада, що на українській мові зʼявився зручний сервіс. Дякую безмежно! Слава Україні!



Купувала віньєтку на 5 країн і вийшло заповнити за 1 раз. Це дуже круто і не бачила в інших.



Зараз живу в Австрії і радію, що тут дороги безкоштовні для українців. Але кажуть скоро лафа закінчиться) Але при виїзді в інші країни купую



В попередній поїздці оштрафували, тож тепер про віньєтку не забуваю. Рада, що у Вас тепер вона є


Going to Hungary by car or transit to other European countries? Don't forget to get a Green Card and also buy a vignette. Hungary is one of those countries where there are toll autobahns and there is a fine for not using the highway.

Toll roads in Hungary

When planning your route through Hungary, pay attention to the presence of toll roads. You can drive on country roads and enjoy the country specifics (often it does not require a vignette) or pass through the highways. In the second case, it is very important to buy a vignette in advance and not get a fine. 

Hungary's toll roads are marked in red.

In case your route passes through toll highways, you will know it by the traffic signs. The blue background of the highway sign with information about the vignette and the control camera is a guide to the fact that you have to pay for the use of the road.

Where to buy a vignette in Hungary?

Vignettes are sold in Hungary at various points - border crossing points, in some stores, at gas stations, at motorway entrances, etc. 

You can also buy a vignette without getting out of your car. You can do it directly on our website. To do this, specify the countries you are traveling through, the required period and enter the data of your car.

Do Ukrainians need a vignette in Hungary?

Previously, it was possible for Ukrainians to use toll roads in Hungary without paying tolls. However, in 2025 all Ukrainians have to buy a vignette in order to drive on highways and other toll roads in Hungary.